原始代码由 Roland Rytz 开发,可在 GitHub 上的免费 AGPL 许可下获得, 随后由 Stefano Haagmans 增加了新功能, 可在 Github Fork 中根据相同的许可获得。 图片来自萌娘百科的 哔哩哔哩夏日绘板 条目
标题、简介、链接这些如果有,最好都填上,Subreddit 项目无需填写,因为这是 Reddit 的 /r/place 活动的可填项。
上述信息都填好之后,就可以生成 json 格式的数据,接下来就是进入 Github issue 页面,提交给我了。
如果没有 Github 账号,也可以通过电子邮件想我提交,并且请在邮件正文中留下署名,我会将 Github issue 的账号链接或邮件中声明的署名放进鸣谢名单中,我的电子邮箱是 cngledos@gmail.com 。
The 2022 Atlas would not have been possible without the help of our reddit contributors. This section will be updated with all of the contributor's usernames.
Thank you to everyone who submitted new entries, amended existing ones, reported bugs and just supported the project in general.
The original Atlas project would not have been possible without the help of the following 775 reddit users.
Thank you to everyone who submitted new entries, amended existing ones, reported bugs and just supported the project in general.